Online and offline dating can be an extremely awkward experience. This is especially true if it’s your first time or if you’re meeting someone new. But there are a few things to consider to understand the roots of this awkwardness. And more importantly, how you can make the process smoother and more enjoyable for both.

Not an awkward date. Recommendations from Sociologists

Let’s start with the professional point of view.

laughing and making dating not awkward


Most sociologists suggest that one of the biggest factors of awkwardness on dates is the pressure to perform and present oneself in the best possible light. This pressure can stem from societal expectations, as well as personal insecurities about one’s appearance, personality, or achievements.

To combat this pressure, professionals in healthy relationships recommend focusing on being genuine and authentic, rather than trying to impress the other person. By being oneself, individuals are more likely to connect with others who share similar values, interests, and goals, and are less likely to feel anxious or self-conscious.


Another key factor is your communication style. Communication is essential for building trust, establishing common ground, and creating a sense of intimacy. However, communication can also be challenging, especially when two people are trying to get to know each other.

Sociologists recommend that individuals be mindful of their communication style, using open-ended questions, active listening, and non-judgmental responses. Additionally, they suggest that individuals should pay attention to non-verbal cues, such as eye contact, facial expressions, and body language, as these can convey important information about a person’s feelings, intentions, and emotions.


Finally, sociologists suggest that individuals should approach dates with a positive and curious attitude. Just check the relationship stats. Instead of focusing on the potential pitfalls or failures of the date, they recommend that individuals view dates as opportunities to learn, grow, and expand their social network. By approaching dates with an open mind and a willingness to learn from the other person, individuals can create a more relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere that is conducive to genuine connection and long-term relationships.

Not an Awkward Date. Tips from Experienced People

Now, let’s talk about your future date and what you should do not to make it awkward. Indeed, if you feel uncomfortable on your date you may think the person is not for you. But in most cases, it’s not true. First dates can go wrong, but certainly, it does not mean you should give up. Here are some rules to make your dating experience smooth and pleasant for both.

avoid awkward date

Be Yourself

The most important thing you can do when dating is to be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not, or pretend to like things you don’t. If you’re not comfortable with who you are, then you’ll never be able to relax and have a good time. There are a lot of things that pop culture has imposed on us. We should not be their blind followers.

Be Prepared

Before you go on a date, take some time to prepare. Make sure you have dressed appropriately for the occasion, and that you know where you’re going and how to get there. If you’re nervous, practice some deep breathing exercises or meditation beforehand to help calm your nerves. As an alternative option, you start with the online date. This way you can gain your confidence.

Start With Small Talk

Small talk is a great way to break the ice and get to know someone. Ask your date about their hobbies, interests, and what they do for a living. Avoid controversial topics like politics or religion, as these can be divisive and cause tension.

Be a Good Listener

When you’re on a date, make sure you listen to what your date is saying. Don’t interrupt or talk over them, and ask follow-up questions to show that you’re interested. Avoid talking about yourself too much, as this can come across as self-centered. Use some neutral, but interesting conversational topics.

Use Humor

Humor is a great way to lighten the mood and make things less awkward. Don’t be afraid to crack a joke or make a funny observation. Just make sure you’re not offensive or insensitive, and that your jokes are appropriate for the situation.

Focus on the Positive

When you’re on a date, try to focus on the positive aspects of the experience. Don’t dwell on negative thoughts or worry about what could go wrong. Instead, enjoy the moment and appreciate the opportunity to get to know someone new.

Be Open-Minded

Everyone has their quirks and idiosyncrasies. So it’s important to be open-minded when dating. Don’t judge your date too harshly or dismiss them too quickly. Give them a chance to show you who they are and what they’re about.

Stay Calm

If you do start to feel anxious or nervous on a date, try to stay calm. Take deep breaths, focus on your breathing, and remind yourself that it’s okay to feel nervous. Don’t let your anxiety control the situation.

Keep it Light

Dating should be an enjoyable experience, so try to keep things light and relaxed. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself or your date, and don’t try to force a connection that isn’t there. Just enjoy the moment and see where things go.


After the date, follow up with your date to let them know that you had a good time. If you’re interested in seeing them again, make plans for a second date. If not, be honest and let them know that you didn’t feel a connection. Either way, be respectful and courteous.

What if the date is already awkward? How to fix it?

There are some cases when you did nothing wrong, but the date still became awkward. Don’t panic. There are a few things you can do to try to salvage the situation.

15 Best Conversation Topics on a Date in 2020
avoid awkward date
  1. Acknowledge the awkwardness. Sometimes, the best thing to do is to acknowledge the elephant in the room. You could say something like, “I’m sorry if this feels a bit awkward. I’m feeling a little nervous, but I really want to get to know you better.” This can help break the tension and show that you’re willing to be vulnerable and open with your date.
  2. Change the setting. If the date is feeling uncomfortable, it might be helpful to change the setting. If you’re at a noisy or crowded restaurant, suggest going for a walk or grabbing a coffee somewhere quieter. A change of scenery can often help to ease the tension and make things feel less awkward.
  3. Ask open-ended questions. Instead of asking yes or no questions, try to ask open-ended questions that invite conversation and allow your date to share more about themselves. For example, instead of asking, “Do you like sports?”, try asking, “What sports do you enjoy playing or watching?”
  4. Focus on common interests. If you’re struggling to find things to talk about, try to focus on common interests or hobbies. This can help you connect with your date and find common ground. For example, if you both enjoy hiking, you could ask your date about their favorite hiking spots or trails.
  5. Use some humor. Humor can be a great way to break the tension and make things feel less awkward. Try cracking a joke or making a funny observation. Just make sure that your humor is appropriate for the situation and doesn’t come across as insensitive.
  6. Be present. One of the best things you can do to fix an awkward date is to be present at the moment. Put away your phone and focus on your date. Pay attention to what they’re saying and try to engage with them. By being fully present, you can create a more relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere that is conducive to genuine connection.

Important Takeaways

In conclusion, dating doesn’t have to be awkward. By being yourself, preparing beforehand, starting with small talk, being a good listener, using humor, focusing on the positive, being open-minded, staying calm, keeping it light, and following up after the date, you can make the experience more enjoyable and less awkward. Remember, dating is about getting to know someone new, so have fun and enjoy the journey.

You may also be interested in checking the article: how to pick the right dating site for you.

It’s a rather popular question coming from men “Do girls like virgin guys?” There are several angles to approach this question. The first one is practical and the second is psychological. So, let’s talk about whether the girl may prefer a virgin guy over the sexually experienced one, and why this may happen.

Why Some Girls Choose Virgin Guys

There may be several why would a girl choose a virgin guy over the experienced one.

married couple

Mentoring. One possible reason that a girl may choose to be with a virgin guy is that she feels like she can guide and teach him in the bedroom. This can create a sense of intimacy and closeness in the relationship, as the girl takes on the role of mentor or teacher. Some girls may find this experience exciting and appealing, as it allows them to have more control and agency in the relationship.

Emotional intimacy. Another possible reason that a girl may choose to be with a virgin guy is that she values emotional intimacy and connection over sexual experience. For some girls, the idea of being with someone who is less experienced sexually may feel more special and intimate, as they can explore their sexuality together and build a deeper emotional connection. This can be particularly appealing for girls who are looking for a more long-term, committed relationship.

Personal attraction. Some girls may choose to be with virgin guys simply because they are attracted to them as individuals. Sexual experience is just one aspect of a person’s identity, and there are many other factors that can contribute to attraction and compatibility. Some girls may be drawn to a guy’s personality, sense of humor, intelligence, or other qualities, regardless of their sexual history.

Personal preference. While some girls may be attracted to being with a virgin guy, others may prefer to be with someone more sexually experienced. Everyone has the right to make their own choices when it comes to their sexual relationships.

From the Psychology Prospective 

Psychologists say that it’s important to approach questions like “Do girls like virgin guys?” with a nuanced perspective. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t a simple “yes” or “no”. It’s important to consider the complexities and individual differences that come into play when it comes to sexual attraction.

First of all, every person is unique, and there are many factors that contribute to sexual preferences. With that being said, we can look at some of the factors that may influence whether or not a girl is attracted to a virgin guy.

Cultural and societal attitudes toward virginity. In some cultures, virginity is highly valued and considered an important aspect of one’s identity and worth. In other cultures, virginity may not be as highly valued, and sexual experience may be seen as more important.

In Western cultures, the idea that a man should be sexually experienced is often portrayed in media and popular culture. This can create pressure for men to be sexually active and can contribute to negative stereotypes and stigmas around virginity. However, there is also a growing movement towards valuing consent, communication, and mutual respect in sexual relationships. This shift in attitudes may lead to a greater acceptance of virginity and a decrease in the pressure to be sexually experienced.

Individual factors. For some girls, the idea of being with a virgin guy may be a turn-off, as they may feel like they would have to guide and teach him in the bedroom. For others, the idea of being a guy’s first sexual partner may be exciting and appealing.

Some girls may also be attracted to the idea of being with someone who is less experienced sexually, as it can make the relationship feel more special and intimate. However, it isn’t always the case, and some girls may prefer to be with someone who is more sexually experienced.

How to Tell a Girl That You Are a Virgin

If you are a virgin and want to tell a girl about it, it’s important to approach the conversation with honesty and openness. Here are some tips for how to tell a girl that you are a virgin.

  1. Be honest. Honesty is the best policy in any relationship. Be upfront and honest about your sexual history with the person you are interested in. If you are a virgin, there is nothing to be ashamed of, and you have every right to be open about it.
  2. Choose the right moment. Timing is key when it comes to having this conversation. Choose a moment when you and the girl are alone and have some privacy. Avoid bringing up the topic during a group setting or in a public place where you might feel uncomfortable or embarrassed.
  3. Be confident. It’s natural to feel nervous or insecure when sharing personal information, but be confident in yourself and your choices. Remember that your sexual history is just one aspect of who you are, and it doesn’t define your worth or value as a person.
  4. Be respectful. Respect the girl’s boundaries and be prepared for any questions or concerns she may have. If she has had more sexual experience than you, she may have some reservations or questions. Be open to having a conversation and answering any questions she may have.
  5. Avoid pressure. Avoid pressuring the girl into having sex with you or making her feel uncomfortable. Be willing to take things at a pace that is comfortable for both of you.

Telling a girl that you are a virgin can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it’s important to approach the conversation with honesty, confidence, and respect. If you are not 100% ready to do this face-to-face try your first experience on a dating site.

Important Conclusions

It’s important to note that a person’s virginity status should not be the sole factor in determining their worth or value as a partner. Virginity is a personal choice and should be respected, regardless of whether or not someone chooses to be sexually active.

In some cases, a girl’s preference for or against virgin guys may be influenced by underlying psychological factors. For example, if a girl has experienced trauma or negative sexual experiences in the past, she may be more hesitant to be with someone who is sexually inexperienced. Alternatively, a girl who has a more positive and open attitude toward sex may be more likely to be attracted to a virgin guy.

It’s also worth noting that the concept of virginity can be highly gendered, with women often being judged more harshly for their sexual history than men. This double standard can pressure women to be sexually experienced while simultaneously shaming them for being “promiscuous.” It’s important to recognize and challenge these gendered stereotypes and to promote healthy, positive attitudes towards sexuality for all genders.

Dating your best friend can be an amazing experience, but there are several things you should be aware of and take into account. Before you start thinking in this direction, you should consider several factors to determine if it is the right decision for both parties involved. Also, you need to realize all the pros and cons of this. So, let’s talk about if dating your best friend actually works. And if so, how to get the best of it.

When does dating your best friend make sense?

In some cases dating your best friend will be a wonderful experience and will make perfect sense. Here are some key points that will help you understand if that is your case.


The foundation of any healthy relationship is compatibility. Ask yourself if your best friend shares your values, interests, and goals. If you both have similar views, the relationship is more likely to last.


Good communication is essential in any relationship, and it is especially important when dating your best friend. If you already have an established friendship, you likely already have a strong foundation of open and honest communication.


Trust is crucial in any relationship, and it is especially important when dating your best friend. You likely already have a high level of trust built up between you.

Similar expectations

It is important to discuss your expectations for the relationship before taking serious steps. Are you both looking for a casual dating experience or a more serious commitment? Make sure your expectations align before making a move.

Potential for loss

While dating your best friend can be a great experience, it also comes with the risk of potentially losing the friendship if things go wrong. Consider this risk and make sure you are both willing to accept the potential consequences before trying it out.


Timing is important in any relationship, and it is especially important when dating your best friend. If one of you is in a different place in life, such as a new job, moving to a new city, or dealing with personal issues, it may not be the right time to start.

Comfort level

When dating your best friend, you may already be comfortable with each other, but it is important to consider how you will feel in more intimate or romantic situations. If either of you feels uncomfortable with the idea of being physically or emotionally intimate, it may not be the right decision to date.

If you have “yes” answers to all these factors then dating your best friend makes perfect sense.

Advantages of dating your best friend

Dating your best friend has some undeniable advantages.

  1. Familiarity. When dating your best friend, you already have a strong foundation of familiarity and comfort with each other. This can help make the transition from friendship to relationship smoother.
  2. Trust. If you already have a strong friendship, you likely already have a high level of trust. This trust is an essential component of any healthy relationship.
  3. Communication. If you already have an established friendship, you likely have open and honest communication. This can help reduce misunderstandings and make the relationship stronger.
  4. Shared experiences. When dating your best friend, you already have a shared history and experiences. This can bring you closer together and help you build a strong connection.
  5. No surprises. Probably, you already know each other well, which can help reduce the stress, awkwardness, and uncertainty that often come with dating someone new.
  6. Support system. Best friends make great partners because they can also serve as a support system for each other. They can provide comfort, encouragement, and understanding when needed.
  7. Fun. Most likely, you already have a built-in sense of humor and understand each other’s quirks and habits. This can make the relationship more enjoyable and bring you even closer together.

So, indeed, there are plenty of advantages in building a relationship coming from a friendship. 

Disadvantages of dating your best friend

But there are some serious disadvantages of dating your best friend, that you should consider.

  1. Risk of damaging the friendship. Dating your best friend comes with the risk of potentially damaging the friendship if things do not work out. This can be especially difficult if the relationship ends badly and can lead to a permanent loss of the friendship.
  2. Increased pressure. The relationship can feel more pressure because of the importance of friendship. This can lead to increased stress and anxiety in the relationship.
  3. Fear of ruining the relationship. Also, there can be a fear of ruining the relationship and losing the friendship. This fear can cause self-doubt and insecurity in the relationship.
  4. Difficulty adjusting to a new dynamic. It can be difficult to adjust to the new dynamic of the relationship. You may have trouble transitioning from a platonic friendship to a romantic relationship.
  5. Unbalanced expectations. You may have unbalanced expectations for the relationship. For example, one person may want a more serious commitment while the other may want a casual relationship.
  6. Potential for misunderstandings. There is a potential for misunderstandings to occur. This can be especially true if there is a lack of clear communication about expectations and boundaries.
  7. Risk of losing independence. There is a risk of losing independence and becoming too closely tied to each other. This can lead to an unhealthy dependence on the relationship.

It is crucial to consider these potential drawbacks before making the decision to date your best friend. And even more important to talk through them with your future romantic partner before taking any serious steps. For instance, you can talk about all the above-mentioned risks, establish rules, agree upon giving it a try, and figure out ways to go out if something goes wrong.

How to tell your friend that you want to try dating

Sometimes, it is hard to start a conversation like that. Even with your best friend.

But here are some phrases you can use to offer to date your friend.

“I’ve been thinking about us a lot lately, and I’ve realized that I have feelings for you. Would you like to explore a romantic relationship with me?”

“I value our friendship, but I can’t help but think that there could be something more between us. Would you like to give dating a try?”

“I know we’ve always just been friends, but I’ve realized that I have deeper feelings for you. Would you be open to the idea of dating?”

“I’ve always felt a strong connection with you and I think we could have something special together. Would you be willing to take a chance on us?”

“I’d love to take our relationship to the next level and see if we could be more than just friends. Would you be open to dating and seeing where this could go?”

Regardless of how you choose to approach this, it is important to be honest, direct, and respectful. Make sure to listen to your friend’s response and respect their decision, whether it is positive or negative.

What if it goes wrong?

As it was previously mentioned as in any other relationship you may feel that it makes no sense to continue. And it is quite important to talk this through with your partner in advance, so it is not a surprise for both of you. When you feel you should stop your romantic relationship but still want to keep your friendship, here are some phrases you can use.

“I think it’s become clear that dating just isn’t working out for us. But I value our friendship too much to let this change that.”

“I appreciate the effort we both put into this, but I think it’s best if we just go back to being friends. I hope we can still have the same strong bond that we had before.”

“I think it’s important for us to be honest with each other and acknowledge that this isn’t the right fit as a couple. But I still see a lot of value in our friendship and hope we can maintain that.”

“I don’t want to force something that isn’t there. Let’s focus on our friendship and put dating aside for now.”

“I think we should go back to just being friends and put this romantic aspect aside for the time being. I value our friendship too much to let this change that.”

When breaking off a relationship, it is important to be kind, understanding, and respectful. Letting the other person down gently and maintaining the friendship is a sign of maturity and shows that you still value the relationship.


Dating your best friend may be an excellent idea if at some point you feel something more than just a friendship. It has lots of advantages, including the level of commitment, trust, and knowledge about each other.

But, of course, you should consider all the risks that come packed with this type of relationship (potentially lost friendship, additional pressure, etc). Therefore, it is crucial to talk all these things through before jumping into a serious relationship.

It can be not easy to cope with the idea of your ex-partner being with someone else, but it is important to remember that you deserve to be with someone who is willing to commit to a relationship with you. If you are determined to win your ex-partner back, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of success.

  1. Reflect on your past relationship. Take some time to reflect on your past relationship and consider what may have led to its downfall. Were there any issues or patterns that contributed to the breakup? It is important, to be honest with yourself and address any personal issues that may have contributed to the end of the relationship.
  2. Give them some space. It is essential to give your ex-partner space and time to process their feelings and come to terms with the breakup. It is not healthy to try to force your way back into their life or to contact them constantly. Give them the space they need to move on and consider the possibility of getting back together. Never hurry up to resume your relationship ASAP. This may scare your ex away.
  3. Show them that you have changed. If there were issues in your past relationship that you know contributed to the breakup, work on changing these behaviors. Show your ex-partner that you are willing to make the necessary changes to make the relationship work.
  4. Be supportive. Even though your ex-partner is dating someone else, it is important to be supportive of them and to show that you care about their well-being. This will help to keep the lines of communication open and will demonstrate that you are mature and respectful.
  5. Focus on yourself. While you may be focused on winning your ex-partner back, it is crucial to also focus on yourself and your own happiness. Work on improving yourself and building a fulfilling life outside of the relationship. This will make you a more attractive and confident partner and help you move on if your ex-partner decides not to return.
  6. Communicate. When the time is right, have an open and honest conversation with your ex-partner about your feelings and your desire to get back together. Be respectful and understanding of their feelings and be prepared to listen to their perspective.

Phrases that help to return your ex back

Quite often you know what to do, but you don’t know how you can express yourself. Sometimes, it is difficult to pick the right words. No worries, here are some good samples of phrases you may use to get your ex back.

  1. “I understand that things ended badly between us, but I wanted to let you know that I still have feelings for you and I’d like to talk about giving our relationship another chance.”
  2. “I know that we both made mistakes in the past, but I believe that with time and communication, we can work through them and make our relationship stronger.”
  3. “I miss you and the way things were between us. Can we meet up and talk about what happened and see if we can work things out?”
  4. “I understand that you’re dating someone else, but I wanted to let you know that I still care about you and would like to see if there’s a chance for us in the future.”
  5. “I know that we had our issues in the past, but I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and I believe that we can make it work if we’re willing to put in the effort.”

But it’s important to remember that even if you use the right phrases, there is no guarantee that you will be able to get your ex back. Ultimately, the decision is up to them and it’s important to respect their feelings and idea to be with someone else.

Also, be aware that these phrases should be used with caution, as they may not have the desired effect and may cause more harm than good. It’s always better to have a heart-to-heart talk, be honest with your feelings, and be respectful of the other person’s feelings.

What if you are not sure?

Deciding whether or not you want your ex back can be a difficult process. Here are a few things to consider when trying to make this decision.

  1. Reflect on your reasons for wanting your ex back. Are you missing the companionship and intimacy of the relationship, or do you have deeper feelings of love and affection for your ex? Understanding your reasons for wanting your ex back can help you make a more informed decision.
  2. Think about the issues that led to the breakup. What were the problems in your relationship that led to the breakup? Are these issues something that you’re willing to work on and overcome? If the issues that led to the breakup are not something that can be resolved, it may be best to move on.
  3. Consider your current emotional state. Are you in a stable and healthy emotional state? If you’re still feeling hurt or angry about the breakup, it may be best to give yourself some time to heal before deciding whether or not you want your ex back.
  4. Be honest with yourself. Be honest with yourself about what you want and what you’re willing to do to make the relationship work. If you’re not fully committed to making the relationship work, it may be best to move on.
  5. Consider your future. Before making the decision, think about your future. What kind of life you want, what you expect from a relationship, and if your ex is the person that can fulfill those expectations.

There are always options available offline and online. If you are not 100% sure, try to make a step back and date someone else. The fastest and easiest way is to choose one of the online dating services and talk to other people that are also looking for relationships.

Ultimately, the decision to try to get your ex back is a personal one and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. It’s important to take the time to reflect on your feelings and consider the factors that led to the breakup before making a decision. Getting your ex-partner back is not always possible, but by following these steps, you can increase your chances of success. Remember to take care of yourself and focus on your happiness, regardless of whether or not your ex-partner returns.

How much time do couples need to meet each other, fall in love, and create a family? Cases differ as much as people’s attitudes on marriage and relationships in different countries around the world. With a growing number of international marriages registered between American men and girls from Slavic countries and Europe, we have decided to investigate the topic in more detail.

How do people meet each other in the USA, date, and start families? Statistics is the best answer to these questions. Let’s check the official social insights and see how much time it commonly takes for two people to meet one another and get married. 

How Couples Meet

The way people meet each other has changed over the last decades. Today’s daters are no longer satisfied with the potential partners they can meet in their hometowns, at work, in cafes, universities, etc. People start looking for their perfect match overseas. They use online dating websites and other platforms where they can filter “candidates” according to different criteria, thus choosing a person who can perfectly meet the searchers’ expectations. 

According to surveys that were conducted by Stanford University, the number of heterosexuals who met each other over the Internet increased from 2% to 39% between 1995 and 2017. Online dating applications like Tinder and social networking platforms like Facebook let people worldwide make new acquaintances and find old friends. The same statistics show that about 8% of couples meet each other online, 11% were introduced to someone special on the web, and 81% met someone utterly new on their own. 

The authors of the Stanford University’s survey concluded that the primary draw of looking for someone online was a wide choice of candidates with whom users could potentially start dating and meet in real life. The same survey showed a growing tendency of meeting someone special in bars and restaurants in 1995-2017. 

The Stanford University’s research didn’t consider homosexuals in their survey because they constitute a minority sexual orientation. It’s more likely that homosexuals will start looking for their love match online than heterosexuals. 

Take a look at the following chart that reveals stats on how US couples meet and stay together. 

Infographic: How Couples Met | Statista

Average Age of Marriage in the US 

Many factors influence the story of choosing the best age and time for getting married. It includes the emotional element along with the financial considerations. When you start dating and living together with your special someone, you should mind such financial questions as planning your household budget, merging your finances, saving cash for the short and long term, buying a house, paying down debts, etc. 

15 Best Conversation Topics on a Date in 2020

Another factor is age. While some couples assume that early marriages make sense, others prefer waiting until later. To the biggest degree, the decision depends on the personal choice of every couple. However, it also depends on your financial goals and the overall money situation. 

To make things more straightforward, let’s look at the following chart. It shows the median age of US marriages between 1890 and 2018. 

Average Age of Marriage in the US

As you can see, the average age of marriage is getting older. Many Americans wait longer to get married. Many assume they feel more financially independent at the age of 27-30. That’s when they can afford to buy their own home and to plan the birth of kids. The stats show that the average age at which women tend to get married today is about 28 years old. While 30 is the average age of men. 

Compared to the last century, women got married at the age of 21-22 years old. At the same time men of 24-25 were ready to make families. Historically, men get married when they are older than women. In the modern age, the gap between them is closing, with women being about two years younger than men when they get married for the first time. 

Getting married has many positive financial effects. When you are alone, you need to plan the budgets and pay for bills on your own. When you go from the income of two, it makes so much easier to advance your saving goals. Having a partner, you grow the chances of saving and investing more cash. Besides, when you have someone else to work with you on your monthly budget, you can create a certain accountability level that motivates you to keep spending within your budget. 

married couple

When you have two incomes, buying a home or a new car gets easier and a short-term perspective. Married couples can also pay fewer taxes when they fill a joint return, depending on their incomes and credits for which they are eligible.

On the other hand, managing financial questions in a marriage can lead to specific difficulties. If you and your second half have different opinions about family budget planning and managing your money, it might be wiser to independently manage your finances. 

How to Decide When to Get Married

When you decide on picking the best time for getting married, you need to consider the individual and financial situation of both of you put together. Then, when you discuss, examine and plan your financial questions, it can be easier for you two to decide if it’s better to get married when you are young or wait until you grow a bit older and become more financially stable. 

When you decide on how old you should be to get married, ask yourself the following questions: 

  • How much debt do both of you have individually and jointly?
  • How much will the situation with those debts change after marriage?
  • Will your marriage yield any savings where our insurance is concerned?
  • How much do we have in savings with your second half?
  • What matters most to each of us where saving is concerned?
  • Do we share common savings goals?
  • How do our incomes compare?
  • If one or both of us have debt, would either feel more comfortable waiting until that debt is repaid to get married?

Anyway, the decision on the best time for getting married is ultimately personal. If you are madly in love with your soul mate and cannot wait for long until the time when you get married, the age doesn’t matter. Plan wisely, and find your common financial ground. If you need any assistance, you can ask a financial advisor for help. He will provide you with a third-party perspective on your family budget and help you decide on your money goals. 

Story of an Average American Couple 

Let’s consider an example of an average American couple that meets each other, starts a relationship, and gets married. It should provide you with deeper insights into how much time can pass since the beginning of your romance until you get married in the US. 

john & mary

His name is John and he is 25. He is rather tall (180 cm), weighing about 198 lbs (90 kg). John has brown eyes and black short cut hair. He is not a lazybones. From time to time, he starts a new day jogging. Still, there are a few extra kilos that he wishes to get rid of. 

Her name is Anna, and she is 23. She is not as tall as John, just 163 cm high. She is not a supermodel, weighing 169 lbs (77 kg). Anna goes to the gym, but not very often, and sometimes her shape bothers her. 

How They First Met 

John was looking forward to finding his love match in 2021. He was passionate about this idea but not very active in taking the first step. Once, he was scrolling through the list of users whom Facebook showed in the Recommendations tab. This is where he first saw Anna. They had a couple of common friends. He looked through her profile and liked her, but didn’t want to look to appear very obsessive. So, all he did is “liking” a couple of her photos and dropping several comments below the pictures’ profile. 

met on facebook

One of the photos that he commented on was with Anna sitting at a table in one of their local restaurants. His comment was something like, “Hey, I like this place, too!”  To John’s big surprise, Anna wrote an answer to his words and sent him a friend request. This is how the whole story began. They started texting each other on Facebook Messenger. One day, they agreed to meet for a cup of coffee for their first date. 

First Date

As agreed, John and Anna met for a cup of coffee at the end of the week. It was a perfect place for a date because it was a commonplace that both of them visited from time to time. The atmosphere and the coffee house were typical for the two, so they could relax and enjoy the company. They spent some time talking and they found out there are many things they have in common. 


After the coffee house, they decided to go for a walk in the park and agreed to meet each other once again in a week.   

Second Date

In most cases, the initiative of the second date should be on men. The question is, how long should one wait between the first and second date? The answer is neither too long nor the next day. If you don’t want the feeling to cool down, it’s better to invite your lady for the second day no longer than in a week. 

second date

So, Anna liked John on their first date, so did John. She was waiting for his call and was happy to receive a text message on Facebook the next day after their coffee house date. He invited her to watch a movie together at the cinema. Anna agreed.

 A cinema is one of the most romantic places that couples may think of. When watching a movie, Anna and John were more obsessed with how they should react if they hold each other’s hands and kiss rather than the film they were watching. 

When the movie ended, John brought Anna home and yes… they had their first kiss. 

Next Dates & Marriage

After the kiss on their send date, Anna and John were sure they were a perfect match and had a strong and happy relationship. 


For their third date, John wanted to impress Anna as much as he could and he came up with an idea to prepare dinner at her place. He brought some wine and cooked delicious pasta. They talked a lot and listened to music. After dinner, John didn’t leave Anna’s home and stayed for the night. 

The third date made their relationship really strong. They had more dates quite often after that. They went everywhere together and had a lot of things in common. The couple watched baseball, went out of town together, visit friends and relatives, etc. 

In some four months, they decided to start living together. Anna and John got married in a year and a half after their first date. 

How Long Should You Date Before Getting Married? 

As a rule, people start thinking about marriage in about a year after starting dating each other. There is a two-year rule that most of us keep in mind. After dating each other for twenty-four months, you should already know your partner well enough to decide if you want to make a family with him or her. 

married couple

Many couples decide to marry with fewer than two years of dating. They feel more passionate about spending time with each other. Well, it’s always personal. While one year is enough for one couple to get to know each other well enough, another couple might need about two years to move to the next step in their relationship. 

The main purpose of dating is to get to know one another as fully as possible before you marry each other. In the end of the day, passionate dating ends up with a happy marriage that lasts for many years to come. 

According to the research conducted by a Penn State University, as part of which Professor Ted L. Huston followed 168 newlywed couples, those couples that dated an average of twenty-five months before marriage were the most happily married ones. As per those married couples quicker than twenty-five months, their marriages survived to the seven-year mark and ended up with a divorce. 

Another study showed that those couples that dated three years and more were 39% less likely to get divorced than those who dated less than one year before getting married. Couples that dated for two years were 20% less likely to end up with a divorce. 

To conclude, those couples that date each other for a longer time are more likely to end up being the most satisfied with their marriages for many years to come. 

Recommendation from the Experts 

Even though we keep an eye on the stats revealed by the studies we discussed above, there are always exceptions to the rules. It’s common for us to hear about unicorn couples who fell in love with each other and have sustained a happy marriage ever since that. How do experts comment on the “deal age”? 

The majority of experts speak about one year at the perfect and healthy amount of time that couples can spend dating each other before dating. According to Stephen J. Betchen, DSW, author of Magnetic Partners, there should be a minimum of one year provided that each partner has a clear understanding of what they are looking for in their mate. During that time, they can explore things like:  “what they can tolerate; if there is a sufficient physical attraction; and if future goals seem aligned.” 

According to John Amodeo, MFT, the author of Dancing with Fire: A Mindful Way to Loving Relationships, “There are no hard and fast rules, but I must admit that I feel nervous when I hear about people getting married within a year (or even two) of meeting. It might work out okay if they are exceptionally well-matched and mature. But it takes time to know a person and time to see each other’s darker side and know how each of their ‘shadow’ sides will interact with each other.”

What’s the Magic All About?

Is it all about numbers? The term of one to two years is generally considered to be the perfect time for couples to spend together before marriage. However, many experts acknowledge that marriage success has more to do with the readiness of two loving hearts to live the rest of their life together. To the biggest degree, the readiness depends on the dating past and the ability of a couple to learn from the experience you’ve gained during that time. Dr. Betchen explains that learning from the past dating mistakes can speed up the dating process and lead to a faster marriage.

about feelings

According to his words, “Because people have very little insight about themselves, they keep choosing the same person time and again, with the same results. Suppose you know enough (about yourself) to choose differently. In that case, you can date for a week and it’ll work, because there are other variables to consider such as family or origin dynamics, values, etc., I recommend couples wait a minimum of one year to marry.” 

Dr. John Amodeo suggests that each person’s readiness for marriage has a lot to do with the unique situation in every couple: “I don’t think there is a perfect amount of time, as each person and situation is a little different. And maturity levels vary.” 

Madeleine A. Fugère, Ph.D., author of The Social Psychology of Attraction and Romantic Relationships, says that the “two year” rule is pretty sensible, but “different couples have very different circumstances. It is disposition alone. Seven years would be insufficient to make some people acquainted with each other, and seven days are more than enough for others.”

Bottom Line

When you are seriously thinking about getting married to a person you live and with whom you’d like to spend the rest of your life, you should decide whether you are ready for the step like marriage. Regardless of the amount of time you have spent dating each other, it’s essential to realize that you have similar goals and expect the same things from marriage. Do both of you want to have kids? What’s your envision of a happy life together? Giving answers to these questions will help you better understand your couple’s current state before deciding to register your relationship officially. 

Despite all stats and research conducted by well-known researchers, there may be no perfect number on how many months people should spend together before marriage. While one year may be enough for one couple, others may need two years and even more to make the final decision. Still, you never know how happy you will live in marriage unless you try to live together. Only going through the major life occurrences and mundane activities lets you decide whether you should get married or both of you would be happier living alone or with another person. 

The more time you spend together the more you’ll see each other on different life occasions. This can be a foundation of a long, happy marriage. Like in the example of Anna and John’s relationship, an average American couple meets online and starts dating in a short time after they text each other for the first time. The average age of Americans getting married in 2021 is 27-30 years old. While women tend to get married at the age of 25-27, men usually marry at 28 and older.  Many emotional and financial factors influence a young couple’s decision-making. However, there is one thing all of them have in common – if you have similar expectations from your marriage and goals, the happier relationship you will have in the long run.

What’s your attitude to early marriages? Do you support the idea that there should be at least two years between the first date and marriage? Do you rely on statistics or have your own opinion about this case? Please drop a line in the comments below.

Make sure to also check the article: Hot find a girlfriend in 2021.

Getting started can be the most complicated thing. It deals with absolutely everything – beginning a new project, writing a message, and initiating a conversation. Therefore, we really need proper conversation starters.

When you meet a woman whom you like, you want to impress her at first sight. You want to keep her interested in you as you start a conversation and keep it going to get to know each other better. If you want to make sure that you will be able to take the right first step and successfully begin the conversation in any situation, then the following list of conversation starters will come in handy. 

Conversation Starters That Work in All Situations

Let’s begin with a list of killer conversation openers that will help you talk to a girl regardless of the situation.

Conversation Starters That Work in All Situations
  • Tell me something about you. – This is a great conversation starter because it invites the other person to tell you something they are ready to share. 
  • Working on anything exciting lately? – When you talk to a girl about her hobby or a project that she is passionate about, you take a right first steps towards getting to know more facts about her life. 
  • What’s your story? – You never know where the conversation will lead when you begin it with this phrase.  There are many exciting things that the other person may tell you. 
  • What is the highlight of your day today? – This is a great alternative to simply asking, “how are you?”
  • Have you been to events like this before? – This kind of question will work well on events like birthday parties.
  • Having fun? – This is one of the best approaches to start a conversation with someone who is sitting at the table all by himself. 

Networking Conversation Starters

When you want to talk to a girl at the networking session, it’s always a good idea to ask questions beyond discovering her job title. The following list of conversation starters will perfectly suit the networking scenario. 

Networking Conversation Starters
  • How did you get to know about this event?
  • Is there a right place to eat around here?
  • What fun plans do you have after work?
  • What cool conferences have you attended?
  • What’s the most exciting project you’ve ever worked on?
  • Did you hear the latest news?

Conversation Starters at a Party Dinner

When you meet someone special at a party dinner, it can be challenging to settle on a topic that everyone can contribute to. That’s why you may try any of the below-listed conversation-started to help you find a person with whom you share similar interests.

Conversation Starters at a Party Dinner
  • If you could have dinner with a celebrity, who would it be?
  • Are you a cat person or a dog person?
  • What is the silliest thing you’ve posted online?
  • What restaurant you’ve never been to but would like to visit?
  • What’s your favorite dish?
  • Who’s your favorite actor or actress? 
  • When was the last time you went to the cinema? What movie did you watch there? 
  • What is your favorite guilty pleasure TV show?
  • What is the strangest gift you have ever received?
  • What are three fun facts about yourself?

How to Start a Conversation at a Bar

If you want to meet a special someone or just have a friendly chat at a bar, then the following list of conversation starters will help you learn more about the other person. 

How to Start a Conversation at a Bar
  • Are you having a good time here?
  • What dish do you suggest I can try here?
  • What drink do you suggest I get?
  • How do you get to X place from here?
  • Do you like this place?
  • Do you like the music that’s played here? 
  • What made you laugh this week?
  • Are you having a good evening?
  • Would you come here for a date?

First Words for your First Date

When you invite a special someone for the first date, what topics should you choose for discussion? What should you talk about and how to keep the conversation going? Here’s a list of the best first date conversation starters that your special someone will appreciate. 

First Words for your First Date
  • What job did you want to do when you were a kid?
  • Do you like extreme sports?
  • What would you choose – skydiving, bungee jumping, or scuba diving? Have you ever tried any?
  • What’s the most important thing that I should know about you? 
  • What your best trait of character? 
  • Do you like to spend time with your family?
  • What’s your favorite holiday?

Conversation Starters For Couples

When you are dating someone you may think that you know everything about that person. However, it’s also easy to get in a routine and have similar conversations every day. That’s why couples need to look for interesting topics for discussion. The following ideas can spice up your conversations. 

Conversation Starters For Couples
  • What should people know about each other before they get married?
  • What do I do that makes you smile?
  • What do you like about me?
  • What is your funniest memory of our dates?
  • What three things do you want to be remembered for?
  • Is there a dream you’ve always had?
  • What’s your biggest romantic dream?
  • What is something you’ve always wanted to do, but are scared to?
  • What gives you butterflies?
  • What’s the most important thing in a relationship? 
  • Do you think arguing is part of a relationship?
  • How would you describe our relationship?
  • Do you consider yourself a spiritual person? 
  • How has our relationship changed since we started dating?
  • What do I do that comforts you the most?
  • How do you think we have changed since we started dating?
  • In what ways are you most similar to me?
  • What makes you feel discouraged?
  • What is a significant event that has changed you?
  • If your life was a movie, which celebrity would play you?

I hope these lists of conversation starters gave you a hint on how to talk to a girl who attracts you and grows your chat into something more significant and long-lasting. 2020 though brought us COVID-19, so there are some new realities for our first dates.

Make sure to also check Top 15 topics for your date.

Do you feel insecure when it comes to inviting a girl for a date? Looking for ways how to ask a girl out and not to scare her away? Use these simple but 100% working tips.

Life Hacks to Ask a Girl Out

She may be your friend, colleague, classmate, girl from the street or bar. So, here are some life hacks that can help you to ask the girl out successfully.

Coffee & Lunch

Coffee & Lunch

It’s a classic way to ask a girl out. Usually a friendly lunch is not consider as a real date. But you will be together talking, laughing and getting to know each other better. Also, you can bring her favourite coffee at her work. Keep in mind that it will be much easier to offer a date when she knows you a little bit. It breaks the first barrier.



Try to find out something about her hobbies. She may love watching movies, visiting exhibitions, going to skating rings, etc. Ideally if you also share her passion. Offer her to do it together some time and take her agreement. Then you will be able to text or call her and say something like: “Hey! We were vividly discussing Van Gogh last week. Do you remember? There is an exhibition running till the end of this week. We should certainly come.”

Food & Drink

Food & Drink how to ask a girl out

People have to eat and drink. It’s a thing that we all need at least 3-4 times a day. So, it’s one of the most powerful life hacks to ask your crush out. For example, if she works till late hours you can order her favourite pizza or sandwiches. You will be a hero for her.

Another classic example is visiting a restaurant together. But if you are uncertain about her answer, try to formulate it like it’s not a real date. For instance, if she is your colleague you can offer to discuss some project after work. Or if she’s just a girl you met on a party you can tell her something like: “Hey, I’m John. We met at Frank’s Birthday party. It’s a pity we didn’t have much time to talk. There is a nice cafe… ”

Ask a Girl Out with Pets

Ask a Girl Out with Pets

Pets are barrier breakers and the best relationship catalysts. If you both have dogs you can walk them together in the morning or in the evening. Usually it is quite easy since you will act as the pet owners that perform daily routine. But at the same time you will walk together talking and playing with dogs. And keep in mind that most of people treat their pets as kinds, so take it seriously.



If your crush goes in for sports or if she is an active fan use it to ask her out. For example, if she likes jogging in the morning, offer her to run together. Or if she likes watching football, buy tickets for the best match.

It’s always exciting and fun. Sport causes a storm of positive emotions and adrenaline. For couple hours you will become a team. Use such phrases like “You said you jog in the morning. I personally can’t force myself. May I join you? I really need somebody to follow…” Or “Hey, I know you are a big fan of Knicks. I have a spare ticket to their next game. My friend got some extra job and won’t be able to go. Would you like to go?”

Her Favourite Thing

Her Favourite Thing

Each person has own passions. Some girls like good wine or haute cuisine. Others are crazy about rock groups or singers. There are girls that love to read Harry Potter over and over again, and there are some that watch movies of certain film directors.

Use her favourite thing to ask her out. If it’s her real passion she will unlikely refuse.

Text Online

Social media

Social Media and messengers deeply invaded our lives. Every day we communicate online via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. It became absolutely natural way to talk to each other. So, if you have her number or social media account, you can try to chat with her.

If you know each other, you can just text her.

But if you are a complete stranger you need to do some extra steps.

1. Like couple of her photos (those that you really like).

2. Comment on several of her posts. If there is a beautiful nature just point it out: “Wow, such a beautiful scenery!” Or if you noticed on the picture that she was in the restaurant you also like, comment: “Great place! Love it!”

3. If you are on Facebook and you already liked several pictures and commented on her posts you are no longer a stranger for her. Now just add her to your Friends and when she adds you as well go ahead and text her.

4. Write her something neutral related to her account. For example, “Hey, I’ve noticed we go to the same gym” or “Hey, I like your post about environmental protection”.

5. When you become real penfriends you will be able to ask a girl out over the text.

“3 Yes” Technique to Ask a Girl Out

“3 Yes” Technique to Ask a Girl Out

There is a well known technique in marketing called “3 yes”. Basically it means that if you ask a girl 3 questions and she replies “yes” 3 times in a row, you will very likely succeed.

Here is the example, when you know something about your crush for sure and you are positive about her answers:

“Hey, some time ago you said you like classic literature. Is that right?”

She says: “Yes”.

“I’ve heard you like Shakespeare?”

She says: “Yes”.

“I believe you’ve also mentioned that you like our local theater?”

She says: “Yes”.

“There is a Romeo and Juliet till the end of this week in our local theater. We must not miss it…”

When she says “yes” 3 times it will be easier for her to agree upon going out with you.

Offline Letter

Offline Letter

How often do you receive letters in envelopes from your friends? I bet it happens quite rarely. So, if you know that she has a mailbox try to send her a letter like in old good times. Certainly it will be unusual and original.

You may also send her flowers, her favourite cake or pizza to her job with a letter. This way you will make it even better.

Online Dating

Online Dating

A good thing about an online dating is that both of you are looking for the same. You both want to find somebody. All you have to do is to pick the right girl and ask her out in case she is from your city. Usually it’s possible with such sites like eHarmony or Tinder. Otherwise, you can schedule a trip if she is from other country.

Here is the list of the best online dating sites where you can find a girlfriend.

Important Tips

tips for men

1. Be Confident

When you ask a girl out you must look 100% confident. Any uncertainty will fail a mission. Look right into her eyes, stand straight and speak unhesitatingly. Women like confident men.

2. Don’t Be a Stranger

She should know you beforehands. It is highly unlikely she goes out with you if she barely knows you. Thus, establish a connection in advance. 

3. Choose the Right Moment

The place and time also metter. Don’t try to do it when there are plenty of people around. Also don’t try to do it when she is busy and focused on something else. And of course don’t try to do this when she seems to be in a bad mood.

So, make sure it is not crowded around, she is in a good mood and listens to you attentively.

4. Look Good when You Ask a Girl Out

Clothes do not make the man, but believe me you will get better chances if you look well. Even basic things are ok: good clean clothes and shoes, fresh combed hair, trimmed nails, nice perfume. Even though it is obvious, some men forget about this, but women don’t.

5. Just Do it!

How to ask a girl out? There are plenty of ways and techniques. But the main thing is to act. You need to overcome your fears and just do it. You never know if you don’t try.

6. Rejection is not the End of the World

If she refuses to go out with you it is not a problem at all. Some people say that you have to be ready for rejections. But I will say that you have to change your attitude. First of all, she refuses due to some reason and it may be not related to you. Next time she may agree. Second of all, it’s a precious experience. Don’t get upset. It is easier to consider this as a game and move on.

Final Thoughts

We’ve just reviewed how to ask a girl out. Even though there are no 100% guaranteed approaches, but there are plenty of tricks that facilitate this.

You should establish a connection and focus on what she likes. Be confident and act wisely. Use communication channels suitable for you: talk in person, over the phone, via dating site, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Pick the right moment and proceed.

Good Luck!

Make sure to also check the best topics for the first date.

Getting ready for the first date with a girl you have a thing about? Congrats! We know you feel a bit nervous and that is why we have prepared a list of the best things to talk about on a date in 2023 that will make you feel prepared and confident. So, let’s dig into the best conversation topics on a date. 

First Date Conversation Topics

Best Conversation Topics on a Date in 2020 - 1st date

The thing with the first date is that it can be your last one with this particular girl. This is the time for you to make the best representation of your personality without being a poser and liar. For that purpose, be honest with your date no matter what topic she brings up. Some topics are quite casual and can barely cause any embarrassment. 

1. Line of work

Even it if is a girl from work you have a first date with you should still ask her about the specificities of the work at her department, discuss some colleagues, etc. Modern people spend days working primarily so it is obvious, there are thoughts, dramas, and funny stuff around that area.  

2. Hobby 

A hobby is something every person could talk about for hours as this is the kind of activity that makes people happy. It is the best practice to bring up topics on a date that make your girl smile, feel secure, and confident, and speak from the heart. This establishes the most pleasurable environment for relationship development. 

3. Food

This topic can become your band-aid if you feel like awkward silence takes place or something like that. There are not that many things out there that most people adore but food is one of them. Ask about her favorite meal and her fave snacks from childhood. 

4. Travel

Traveling is the kind of activity that most of us consider a hobby and this one is super easy to discuss even with a stranger. Share your experience and funny stories. Also, ask about your date’s favorite destinations and what place she considers as the most romantic one. 

5. Movies 

You never know is a girl is a fan of any cinematic universe and you won’t find it out if don’t ask. Just imagine how simple it will be to spend time together if you are both fans of Marvel movies, for example. Anyway, you can discuss the latest movies you’ve seen. Moreover, it is a nice way to ask a girl on a second date to spend at the cinema together.

From initial conversations, people usually get a feel of their date and what they may like. So let’s say that a person is interested in books, then try book shopping. If they are a foodie, a great option is either a well-reviewed restaurant or a little trip to the food market that could be interesting. It is essential to give each other a chance to connect and get to know one another.

The Second Date Conversation Topics

Best Conversation Topics on a Date in 2020 - second date

The first date is a very exciting moment when you feel a bit nervous and curious about how it all will turn out whereas the second date makes you feel much calmer and more confident. You know she has an interest in you so it is time for you both to know each other closer and share your thoughts on more personal conversation topics. This is the time for you to investigate whether you have the same life goals and if it is compatible with the life path you choose. 

1. Dreams 

You should ask about her dreams without being too specific. This is the way to find out what she truly is dreaming about as if you ask her about what she dreams to become or where to travel she gives you a clear answer. However, if you ask what is her biggest dream, in general, you find out what matters to her. 

2. Career goals

This one is important to figure out as career goals significantly affect a lifestyle. You might already know what you want from relationships. Let’s imagine you want to have kids in the nearest future, (which you definitely shouldn’t talk about on the first, second, and even third date), it that case it might be inefficient to stay in a relationship with someone who has the plan to become a big boss in the next 10 years. 

3. Childhood

Someone says this is a casual topic you can discuss with anyone however we all grow up in different environments and can have as happy memories from childhood as well as horrible ones. We believe the first date is not the time to ask about childhood as you have to be sure that the girl is ready to be open with you and share different experiences and memories. That is why you should save this topic for the second date. 

4. Favorites

Yes, you already know her favorite dish and what kind of movie she prefers to watch. However, there are so many other favorites every person has that you couldn’t cover in 10 dates. So, continue speaking about something you both like and sharing pleasant experiences on the second date and all subsequent ones. 

5. Latest news

There is lots of stuff going on in the World and the second date is a better time to discuss it than the first one. On the second date, you both feel more secure and can talk a bit about some controversial topics. Such a dialog will help you to understand a lot about your date and her attitude, and allows you to see the World from her perspective. 

The Third Date Conversation Topics

Third date

If you think the third date is the time to have sex with a girl then you should cool your ardor man. Of course, the third date is the time for a more sensual experience and sincere chats, you can still scare her of being fully concentrated on her body. Here are 5 topics to go for on the third date. 

1. Past relationships

The third date is the time when you can show a bit of skeleton in the closet and see how it turns on. The thing about these topics is that you should mind the way you talk about your ex. No details are needed. Simply your thoughts and feelings about different situations that seem important for you in terms of romantic relationships would be more than enough. 

2. Relationship Goals

It is time to stop testing the waters and try to get a straight answer on what does she want? How does she see her perfect relationship? If there is room for you? And so on. 

3. Unforgivable things

This one is crucial to figure out as most of us react differently to various situations. One thing that seems like a no big deal for you makes your date feel vulnerable and insecure. The third date is the perfect time to explore that area. 

4. Fears 

Fears are something we don’t talk often because there is no fun in being terrified at all. However, you should know if she has any phobias before you take her home to meet dear pet tarantula Carl and find out she has an intense fear of spiders, you know what we mean. 

5. It is time to stop talking

On the third date, you can become much closer physically. What can be better than a passionate kiss or spooning her while watching the sunset? You shouldn’t push on her but show that you want to become closer and develop your relationships gently if that is what she wants. 

On the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd date you should avoid the following topics:

1. Finances

2. Politics

3. Religion

4. Children

If you want to speed up the process you can try online dating sites. According to VictoriyaClub, data from 15 minutes chat on a dating site is equal to 3 offline dates. The good thing is that above mentioned conversation topics work online the same way.

These were topics you should save for the time you both feel ready to live together so don’t bring it up during the puppy love stage. Don’t have a soulmate yet? Here are some tips how to find a girlfriend in 2023.

No matter what topics you choose to discuss with your date make sure you are sincere, and delicate, and treat her opinion with appreciation and respect. Being a nice, polite, understanding, and intelligent human being is the best way to impress any girl.

Guys commonly confuse the feeling of wanting a girlfriend and thinking that they want to get a girlfriend in 2024. There is a huge difference between those, as everybody feels more or less lonely at different stages in life.

However, you should understand that being in a relationship with a woman obligates you to invest a considerable amount of time, money, and effort in someone other than yourself. Plus, a relationship implies lots of compromises which not everyone can live with. So, before you dig into this article full of useful tips on how to get a girlfriend in 2024, find out for yourself if you really want to. 

Determine Your Needs

For those, who desire to start a romantic adventure with a dream girl we recommend being as specific with your requirements as you can.

Determine Your Needs to get a Girlfriend in 2021

You know that trick in management and self-motivation when you make a super-precise list of your goals. This way you make your achievement the most effective.

Well, the same works when trying to find a soulmate. You should think carefully of your dream date features, as external as internal, to make your search crowned with success. It is especially important to identify features that you would not like to see in your future girl. So be specific with that too. 

Lots of guys pick up the first girl that says “yes” to them which is a huge mistake we believe. The greatest myth of all times that we are about to break is that it is damn hard to find a girlfriend. No, it is not guys, but to find one that will make you excited, satisfied, and happy is much more difficult.

The list may look like this.

  • Her external features are crucial to me.
  • Hobbies are important to me.
  • Flaws that I will never accept.
  • Character traits I am looking for.
  • Republican or Democrat?.. Just kidding ;).

So, if you want to find a girlfriend in 2024 that you might have a future with then you should respect yourself. Don’t be wasted on every little change to be not alone. 

Can You Get a Girlfriend Online?

Nowadays, when life is so fast and we have too much work to do that have takeaways more often than a nice homemade comfort food the concept of online dating is a blessing. Living in 2024 is incredible since not only you can buy anything online, but also find a soulmate without a need to leave your home.

get a girl on online dating in 2021

Of course, it can be tricky since there are lots of fakes online. So you should be careful. Use safe and proven online dating websites only to make sure you invest your time wisely.

What’s great about online dating is that people go for it when looking for any sort of relationship. So it considerably narrows your search. According to research conducted in 2015, 80% of dating sites users confirmed it’s a good way to meet potential partners.

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It is especially true nowadays. So if you are looking for possible ways how to get a girlfriend in 2024 online dating is one of the easiest and fastest ways.

Another kind of online dating is social media.

social media to find a girlfriend

It is a simple way to find an attractive girl to chat with and find out if you have something in common before going out together. For that purpose, make sure you have a non-creepy profile, with nice pics and halfway-decent photo subjects.

Here’s how to get a girlfriend in 2024 via Facebook or Instagram.

1. First of all, don’t DM women with horny pickup lines unless you want your profile to be blocked.

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2. Second of all, be patient. Try to make it in a few steps. Start with liking and commenting on her photos and posts. Obviously, do that with posts that you really like. She will remember you. And this way you will not be a stranger for her anymore.

3. Next you can send her a direct message concerning her recent post or photo. Something like this will be fine: “Hey, it’s a great restaurant. Do you like it as well?” or “Nice place, where is it?”

Your goal is to melt the ice and start communication. Once you establish the connection you can offer her to go grab a cup of coffee together sometime.

Where to Find a Girlfriend in 2024?

If you want to have fun and really feel it, then you should go offline and try to approach a girl in real life.

Where to Pick Up a Girl in 2021?

The best places for that purpose are where people go to have fun, obviously:

  • bar
  • club
  • hookah lounge
  • beach
  • gym
  • modern art exhibition
  • coffee shop
  • food class
  • etc.

When you pick a place to go, keep in mind your preferences. For example, if you hate dancing and go to a club then you have a risk of meeting a party girl that is looking for a disco king. 

Once you got the place where girls hang out you should relax and take a look around. Go to the bar counter and have a little drink. So you could treat an appealing girl with a complimentary drink before other guys noticed her.

Your First Moves to Get a Girlfriend

The best time to talk to approach the girl is when you are 100% sure you won’t interrupt her while she’s chatting with girlfriends. Simply smile at her. Then, watch her reaction – if she smiles at you too, then that’s the time for you to act. 

First Moves when meet a girl

Now, when you see she has an interest in you don’t spoil it by being someone you are not. That is a slippery slope that will lead you to failure. Even if a girl believes your lies she will be disappointed once she knows all the truth and leaves you eventually.

The best strategy is to stay real and cool. Though, be the best version of yourself!

Of course, you should let her know she is gorgeous and you want to know her better. But don’t act like she’s the only woman on Earth that you want to be with, as that makes you look desperate and pathetic. 

Good Topics for Conversation

You should be careful when picking topics for a conversation as you don’t know her tastes in music, movies, art, and other specific fields. Go for something neutral and pick some win-win topics like food or travel.

Good Topics for Conversation

Other good topics are pets, hobbies, work, etc.

You can complement her perfect bronzed tan and ask if she traveled somewhere hot recently. You should pay attention to the details and try to make her talk about herself. Girls like it when guys listen to them, so give a girl what she needs first, and if you are lucky enough she will reward you with some love. 

Final Moves

There is no exact formula on how to get a girl’s phone number and her favor in general. If you have a nice chat and you see she vibrates with a desire to know you closer then you should tell her that you’d like to continue your dialogue and meet sometime.

Beauty is simplicity. Women appreciate brave and honest guys who are ready to take the first step forward potential date. These days girls are strong and independent. If you want to get a girl in 2024 then you should treat one with respect and honesty. You deserve the best girl and we believe you will find one in 2024.

Make sure to also check the ranking of the best Dating sites in 2024.

This may be hard to start relationships in middle school. Many guys and girls undergo certain physical and emotional changes, which makes it difficult to figure out what they are looking for in their future partner or simply what things can make them happy. So, how to pick up a girl in college?

When you start to date someone in middle school, you need to realize that none of you will have a lot of relationship experience. However, there is no reason to be worried about this. In most cases, starting to date a girl in middle school is rather easy. All that is needed is some basic flirting skills and the desire to make her feel special.

First Steps to Pick up a Girl in College

First Steps to Pick up a Girl at school

If there is a girl in your sights, do not be pushy. Vise versa, stress out on how you can get her to like you. By showing her that you are a cool and smart guy with whom she can spend fun time together, you are more likely to win her affection.

Here are several of the surefire ways to get a girlfriend, which have proven to be rather effective:

  • Say “hi” to girls more often
  • Make girls laugh and tease them like crazy.
  • Invite her to social events and fun activities.
  • If you think you should kiss her, then you should kiss her.. and so on.
  • Don’t be needy, insecure, or jealous (contact her too often, text, FB message).

Ladies will not approach you only because you are good-looking, with an athletic body. Of course, this will work when you set an eye contact with the girl for the first time. What next? You need to know what topics you can discuss, how to make her interested in you as a personality. Women (even when they are in middle school) are looking for confident men who can grab life by the balls and make things happen.

Make Her Notice You

How to Pick up a Girl in College or School in 2020 notice you

If you want to pick up a girl in college or middle school, then the first thing that you need to do is to make her notice you. It’s likely that your future girlfriend has no idea about who you are. So, the first opinion highly matters. Keep your clothes clean and tidy.

If you don’t know when exactly you’ll be running into the girl you like, make sure you look good every day. Even if you are running in a bad mood that day, do you best to give your girl a positive vibe, so that she wants to get to know you better.

Don’t Forget About Compliments when you Pick up a Girl in College

There are many ways to make a girl feel like she is special. One of such popular and time-tested techniques is complimenting her. However, when doing this, make sure that you do not say anything that would make your girl feel uncomfortable. For example, instead of saying “You are the most beautiful girl in the world”, you can say something like this: “Hey, I like your shirt. It matches your eyes perfectly.”

Here are a few more examples of compliments that can make a girl feel special:

  1. “I have so much fun talking to you.”
  2. “You have a great laugh.”
  3. “Has anyone ever told you that you look like…(name of a cute actress here)?”
  4. “It’s cool that you have time to do well in school and play soccer.”

Let Her See That You Are Paying Attention

If you want to start dating a girl, then you need to make her notice that you pay attention to the things she says and does. When she has a new haircut, don’t miss a chance to notice it and say how much it suits her. If she once told you how nervous she felt on an exam, be so kind to find out how well she passed it. There are plenty of situations like this. Simply be important and caring to your lady and she will notice it.

Let Her Know About Your Feelings

Let Her Know About Your Feelings

You don’t need to tell her that she is the most beautiful girl in the world and cannot stop thinking about her every time you see her. Start smart by telling your girl that she is really and cool an enjoy spending time with her. You can also mention that you have many things in common. It won’t take you a lot of time to express your feelings. Also, there is no reason to list every reason why you feel attracted by a lady.

You can begin by saying “I only wanted to tell you that…” so that she feels flattered. By expressing your feelings, you can get a chance to gauge her reaction. If she leans closer to you or smiles to you back in reply, then you can ask her out. If the girl says that she needs to go or backs away, then you shouldn’t upset her even more by asking her to go out with you for a date.

Pick up a Girl in a Foreign College

college ukraine

Meeting people from other countries is rather popular today. There are plenty of student’s programs and international trips arranged.

Moreover, there are plenty of online communication and dating sites made for international communication. For example, VictoriyaClub that helps to meet Russian and Ukrainian girls online. The site’s statistics says that 60% of all female accounts are students of colleges and universities. So, any guy that wants to chat with a Slavic college girl can sign up. Registration is free.

Final Tips about picking up girls at school

There are many tips and techniques that you can come across on the web. Below, we offer you to take a look at the best-proven approaches that make it easier to pick up a girl when you are in college or middle school.

– Attend extracurricular activities to meet girls who share the same interests with you. The more activities you join, the more likely you will meet a girl who can become your perfect match.

– Hang out in the places where college girls like to hang out on weekends. These can be different public events or college parties. Know your limit and don’t get drunk, or you won’t be able to run a good conversation.

– Learning techniques on how to flirt with a girl will help you pick up a girl much faster. One of the most common flirting techniques is making eye contact. If a girl mirrors the same, she says that she is interested in you too. So you have a chance to get to know her better.

When you are close to your goal

When you are close to your goal with college girl

– Remember that the first opinion always matters. Hence, the way you look and are dressed on your first date plays a big impact on future progress in your relationships. It’s recommended to dress in clothes that flatter your skin tone. The case is that few boys have a good fashion sense in middle school. So, if you are not sure what colors look best on you, get a girl that can share her honest opinion with you and has a good fashion sense to go shopping with you. Ask her to give you advice on what style looks best on you. This way you can choose clothes on your own.

– Make the girl feel like you know what you want out of life. Make such an impression even if you know that’s not quite true. When you are in college or middle school, you are likely to have a plan in life and an idea where you’ll work, etc. When a lady sees that her man is confused about his future plans, she is more likely to give preference to those guys that are more self-confident.

I hope these tips will help you find your best approach on how to pick up a girl in college and middle school. Be yourself and impress your future girlfriend at first sight.

You may also be interested in checking hot to pick up girls at the beach.