Do you like the sun, sand, the sea, and girls in swimsuits? I bet the answer is yes. Moreover, it’s an absolutely incredible place for meeting someone. Everybody is happy and having fun around. Picking up girls at the beach is not as hard as one may think. Though, there are some important rules to follow in order to be successful. Let’s see how to meet a girl at the beach in 2024.
Why Beach is a Good Place to Meet a Girl?

Few words about the beach as a place to pick up a girl.
First of all, you see everything in full view. It means that it’s a large and flat space. Also, if the girl’s figure matters to you, you can fully check it out. It’s difficult to hide anything at the beach.
Second of all, everybody is relaxed. Some people drink cocktails or beer. Others just sunbathe or walk along the sea.
If you want to pick up a girl at the beach, everything around makes your job much easier. It’s not a meeting girls on the street, where they hurry up. And it is not a noisy bar, where you actually have to shout to each other.
Third, plenty of girls play volleyball or frisbee at the beach. You can easily jump into the circle and play with them. If you like playing outdoor games it’s an added bonus for you. And remember, girls like the winners!
Should You Go to a Gym?

Should you go to a gym before going to the beach? I’m afraid, that is most likely “yes”. The thing is that your body is the only thing you can showcase there.
You cannot show how fancy and stylish you are. As well as you cannot show your car or motorbike to impress women around. Everybody is equal there. Hence, the only thing you can feature to stand out from the crowd is your body.
So, in order to make your job easier in the summertime, it’s highly recommended to visit a gym from time to time. It’s certainly good for your health and it’s 100% good for your appearance. Every burned calorie and muscle you build will be a large bonus to pick up a girl at the beach.
However, it doesn’t mean that if you never visited a gym you got no chance to meet a girl at the beach. If you are funny, smart, or an excellent conversationalist you have a huge chance to succeed. According to Healthline magazine research, women love funny guys more than serious beefcakes.
How to Prepare for the Beach

Let’s increase your chances to meet a girl at the beach even more. Most guys underestimate this (or don’t even think about it). But you should pay attention to what you take with you.
Experienced men take everything that can be useful for them and for women at the beach. For example, glasses, spare cap, sunscreen, mat, ball, Frisbee, towel, umbrella, cooler with water and beer, etc.
Moreover, bring your dog if you have one. Seriously, if you don’t know how to pick up girls at the beach, your dog will do it for you. Women love animals.
All these things can help you make the first step. No one knows what works best for you.
How to Understand She is Open to Meeting

Alright, you are at the beach prepared for “hunting”. Look around. Try to find single girls visually. There are a few things that can help you understand whether she is open to a conversation with you.
- Girls Company. When you see that the girl you really like is in the company of 1 or several other girls, you should try to talk to her. When women have fun they want to be surrounded by male attention.
- She is observing around. It’s not a big secret that single girls are also looking for a couple. And when they actively look around examining guys, it means she’s definitely open for relations.
- She is walking along the coastline. If you see her thoughtfully walking slowly by the sea try to talk to her. Most likely she got no company, thus you can be her companion.
- She shows her attention to you. If you noticed that she smiles or even waves to you, don’t waste your time. Just act decisively.
- She is lonely at the beach bar. If you see her sitting at the bar with nobody around, it’s a good sign for you. Not only you can brighten up her loneliness, but also have a refreshing drink.
- She is playing team games. Girls that have fun at the beach and play volleyball or football are more open and friendly. So, indeed, if you see her doing that, she’s most likely open for communication.
Although, if you really like her but don’t see any of above mention signs, still give it a try. Rejection is not the end of the world. But you will certainly regret it if you never try.
Your First Steps to Pick up a Girl at the Beach

Ok, you see your target and you are sure she is not with a boyfriend right now. For some men, even a boyfriend is not an obstacle though. Here are your possible first steps to picking up a girl at the beach.
Find a place not far from her. Try to settle down as close as it is possible. This way you will catch her attention for a bit. Also, you will be able to see her better, as well as you will be able to discover her needs.
Offer your help. Assistance with anything will be the best first step. For example, you can offer a bottle of water, sunscreen, or an umbrella. You can say something like:
“Hey, it’s pretty hot today and I’ve noticed you got no umbrella. I have an extra one. Would you like it? I’m John by the way.”
The good thing here is that it doesn’t really matter whether she answers “yes” or “no”. You’ve just made a legitimate first step and can continue a conversation.
Offer her to play. Playing some games like volleyball or Frisbee will certainly help you become closer. The perfect scenario is when you already play with a group of people and “accidentally” drop a ball or a plate not far from her. Try something like:
“Hey, join us. We need a player. I’m John and what’s your name?”
As you can see it’s a very neutral first step. And again her answer “yes” or “no” doesn’t matter. What matters is that you attracted her attention and exchanged a few words.
Dogs are magnets for girls at the beach. As it was mentioned before, bring your dog if you have one. Not all beaches allow pets though. Your furry friend will definitely help you to meet a girl at the beach. Women will come to you anyways. If you lay down somewhere close to your target, she will draw her attention to you. Try something like:
“His name is Max. And what’s your name?”
“Don’t worry, he doesn’t bite.”
There are some guys that buy a dog just for meeting girls at the beach or in the park.
Offer a drink. People want to drink a lot by the sea. If she sits on the towel observing around just offer her a soda can. Something like:
“Hey, it’s pretty hot today. I have an extra soda can. It’s cold! I’m John by the way.”
If the girl is at the beach bar you can buy her a drink. But it will be smart to check what exactly she drinks. As an option, you can take a sit near her and order the drink that she currently has. Then turn to her and “accidentally” notice this and say something like:
“Hey… Margarita… Good choice. It’s my favorite one. I’m John by the way”.
Ask a question. But let’s imagine you don’t have sunscreen, an extra soda, a frisbee, or a dog. Remember, your first step is to start a conversation. Don’t try to amaze her right away. Here are some working questions that will help you meet a girl at the beach.
If you pretend you’ve just arrived and spread your mat next to her:
“Have you already tried the water? Is it warm today?”
“Excuse me, is there a changing room somewhere around?”
If you are not local you can ask questions about the city you are in:
“Excuse me, I’m from London. Are you local by any chance?”
“Excuse me, I’m not local. Where is the best place here to swim/play/buy soda?”
“Excuse me, I’m new here. Is it far from downtown?”
By the way, if you indeed arrived in a foreign country, you can try to find someone via free dating sites.
And here are the brave ones:
“Sorry, I’ve just noticed you, and felt I really want to come and say hi. I’m John!”
“Hi, by any chance do you have a sunscreen? I’ve left mine at home. I’m John”
“Hi! I’m John, and what’s your name?”
It may sound stupid, but this works much better than using pickup lines.
Good Topics When You Meet a Girl at the Beach

Alright, you started a conversation with a woman. Keep it light and simple. Don’t be too pushy and try to talk about neutral topics. VictoriyaClub (an international dating site) did research about the topics on the 1st date. And here is what you should start with:
The Weather. The most commonly used topic. It is light and carries no obligations.
The Place. You can discuss the sea, beach, and resort you are in.
About Her. Whether she like this place? How often she comes here?
When you feel that you have a contact, try to focus your conversation on her as a person.
What does she do for a living?
What does she like to do in her free time?
Does she have a hobby?
Then, depending on her answers you can lead your conversation in any direction you feel more comfortable. For instance, if she stated she likes movies you can discuss actors, and celebrities. And if she likes pets you can talk about cats or dogs, etc.
How to Ask a Girl Her Number?

Now, your conversation flows naturally and you feel the connection. 5-10 years ago you would need to ask a girl for her phone number. It used to be a complicated point. Some women don’t give a phone number. Now, it’s a very private thing.
But luckily in 2024, you have much more options. In order not to scare her away, just ask her: “Are you on Instagram?” or “Do you have a Facebook?” 99% of beautiful girls have some social media accounts. It’s much safer to go this way.
Also, a wise move is to open a Facebook/Instagram on your phone and give it to her, saying: “I would love to follow your Facebook / Instagram. Could you type in your name?”
However, sometimes you really need to get her phone number. Don’t wait too long. Try to figure out what you can do together as friends and direct your conversation accordingly. For example, watch movies, go for lunch, and walk the dog together. When you feel you’ve reached a pretty high level of trust, go for it. Here are some good phrases:
“Let’s exchange numbers, so we could go for a lunch some time?”
“I would love to hear what you think about the new movie that was just released. Let’s exchange numbers so we could coordinate?”
When you have her phone number or Instagram you can continue chatting. Good job, you’ve passed another milestone.
Should You Ask Her on a Date?

Okay, you are having fun together. Your conversation is laid-back and pleasant. She reciprocates with you. Is it a good time to ask for a date?
Fact number one is that you are already on a date. You are spending time together on a beach talking, walking, and possibly playing frisbee. What is it if not a real date?
Another fact is that you need to make an appointment without a specific date and place. Remember, you still can scare her away by being too pushy. Here are some good examples.
“We should go for coffee sometime next week. What do you think?”
“Hey, I got an idea. You said you love fantasy movies. I think there is a good one being released next week. We should go watch it. What do you think?”
“You said you like jogging every morning. I’d love to join you sometime next week. What do you think?”
As you can see all examples are light and non-binding to anything. You don’t force her to think about her schedule or take on obligations. And it doesn’t really sound like a date offer. There is no exact time, no place, etc.
The beach is a nice place to meet girls in 2024. Everything around helps you to achieve this. Although, to be 100% confident make sure to take everything that is useful by the sea, starting from cooler with water and ending with an umbrella. It may really help you.
Act decisively, and never be afraid of rejection. In most cases, the rejection is not because of you. The girl may have a boyfriend or she may not want relations at all. So, cheer up and move forward. There are so many beautiful women waiting for a guy like you at the beach.
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